Based on the Roy Grace novels by Peter James, this series follows Detective Superintendent Roy Grace (played by John Simm) and his sidekick Glenn Branson (Richie Campbell) as they investigate cases in and around Brighton. Grace, whose wife Sandy disappeared years back, is battling demons of his own including having to deal with not-so-nice bosses at work.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Based on the Roy Grace novels by Peter James, this series follows Detective Superintendent Roy Grace (played by John Simm) and his sidekick Glenn Branson (Richie Campbell) as they investigate cases in and around Brighton. Grace, whose wife Sandy disappeared years back, is battling demons of his own including having to deal with not-so-nice bosses at work.
Sunday, July 21, 2024
36 Days
Photo courtesy: IMDB |
Enigmatic woman claiming to be an air hostess moves into a gated community in Goa and the residents’ dark secrets come tumbling out. Who is the woman and what does she want?
Indian adaptation of Welsh series, 35 Diwrnod, 36 Days is a bingeworthy thriller with an ensemble cast who keep the intrigue going and how. There’s Neha Sharma, Purab Kohli, Shruti Seth, Amruta Khanvilkar, Shernaz Patel, Keneth Desai, Faisal Rashid, Sushant Digvikar and Sharib Hashmi among others. A special word of praise for one of my favourite actors – Chandan Roy Sanyal. His portrayal of a sleazy, lascivious baddie made me squirm.
The only thing that put me off about this series was the incessant swearing. Sadly, the new normal in most Indian series. Unnecessary and completely over the top. I have to get my hands on the Welsh original.
Streaming on SonyLiv
Based on the Roy Grace novels by Peter James, this series follows Detective Superintendent Roy Grace (played by John Simm) and his sidekic...
When the Marple anthology was announced, I was really excited. A collection of short stories featuring Agatha Christie’s famous detective by...
A young police officer, Satyadeb Halder, is tasked with the job of solving two murders in the neighbourhood he has grown up in. One of the d...
Based on the Roy Grace novels by Peter James, this series follows Detective Superintendent Roy Grace (played by John Simm) and his sidekic...